Friday, January 29, 2010

Breath in with the good....and out with the bad

So i'm going to take some time to talk about the not so pleasant side of planning a wedding since we all go through it in some shape or form. My FI and come from two totally different families and when planning a wedding that is going to become obvious and prove to be a hurdle that you have to just get over.
My family is very close knit and my parents have been married for 41 years and growing up we were spoiled with love rather than tangible items and it's been something I cherish very dear to my heart and feel blessed to have a family like mine. MY fiance's family wasn't so lucky and his parents divorced when he was 6 years old and he was forced to grow up at a young age and take care of the chores while his mom worked 3 jobs just to put some food on the table and keep a roof above their heads. His father wasn't part of the picture much after they divorced and it wasn't until my FI was in his early 20's that he reconnected with his father. His father remarried and had two sons, one of which is named after my FI since his father didn't think he would ever get to see his son again. Not sure how true that story is but oh well.
On with my story.....his father still hasn't been much of my fiance's life and it's been a disappointment during the wedding as well. We have always done the right thing and still to this day it doesn't change anything. When we got engaged it took his father two months to call and congratulate us! We recently had an engagement party and his reason for not coming was because his boss was having a surprise 60th birthday. We found this out on Christmas day mind you. Now i'm not used to this type of disappointment from a family member and although this isn't a surprise to me since i've seen my FI go through a lot with his family, this is now affecting me since this is now OUR wedding. I tried to justify why his answer was ok but I came up with nothing. There was just no other reason that would be acceptable for him to miss his son's engagement party. Today I received another e-mail (yeah we received the engagement party news via e-mail on x-mas day as well) from his step-mom asking us for money that my FI borrowed from them a couple years back that he paid them back but they refused at the time. Now all of sudden they want their money back in a time when we are trying to save money to pay for a wedding!!!!!!! ugh!
My point to this post is that as us brides continue to plan our wedding there is going to be times when we just want to give up and elope or just not invite anyone to the wedding just to avoid any more drama. And for me I just plug my ear phones in and play Canon in D by Pachebel and I take a deep breath and visualize walking down the aisle with this gorgeous gown staring in the eyes of the man i'm going to marry and seeing the smile on his face light up at the first sight of me.....and I start to calm down and realize this is just another bump in the road that you get over.
What do you do to relieve stress from everyday wedding planning? Do you take a bath? Read a book? Maybe go to the gym to let off steam?

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